Our Story

The Apareció Foundation’s core initiatives and programs support our key areas of focus:  women’s empowerment, education and economic opportunities, youth mentoring, community service, health and nutrition, and gender equality.

Changing the Way We Think About Educating Girls Personally Relevant & Engaging Experiences
Changing the Way We Think About Educating Girls Personally Relevant & Engaging Experiences
Key Focus

When you provide personally relevant,
engaging experiences, students are inspired and exposed to previously unimagined college and career opportunities.

We believe in a holistic approach that develops and maintains strong relationships between student and mentor participants enabling a complete support network. The curriculum schedule is designed to incorporate developmentally appropriate activities, while simultaneously exposing students to new experiences and academic enrichment.

Holistic Approach

The creation of a preventative model for early intervention aims at identifying struggling learners before they fall behind, and provides those learners with support based on individual needs in order to increase reading comprehension and literacy with our female scholars. This model is a framework for organizing instruction and intervention and is designed to be responsive to the needs of all students.

Reading & Literacy

We produce and distribute high quality public service announcements, as well as educational outreach sessions designed to: create awareness and inform the public about the persistent gap in achievement in our public schools; raise awareness of the causes of inequity and to identify the best strategies that could secure a better, more equitable education for low-income and minority students; and to promote educational support programs that meet the learning needs of each individual student and to empower parents to be advocates of their children’s educational success.

Community Outreach

The Foundation works collaboratively with strategic partners, community-based organizations, local government agencies, business leaders, and educators to create personalized mentor opportunities.
